Joining Us

Simply email (or fill in our online form). Tell us a little about yourself, your riding experience and your level of fitness. It would be great to understand why you want to join Forge. Our New Joiner team will email you right back, answer any of your questions and suggest a Sunday ride and group that seems to best suit your requirements. Don’t worry if it’s too fast or too slow, you can easily move between groups each week.

There’s no commitment and no obligation. If you like your New Joiner ride, sign up and become a member.


We accept membership for all over 18s. If you are under 18, you can ride for free but you need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian while riding with Forge London.

Basic Requirements

As long as you can fulfil the minimum requirement – a roadworthy and safe road bicycle (no fixed speed or triathlon bikes) and your fitness level is at our minimum standard (see below), then you are welcome to come along for a New Joiner Sunday club ride.

Membership Cost

Annual membership is renewed every April and is £29 per annum (plus a £1 British Cycling admin charge). If you join in the second half of the year, you pay 50% of the annual fee. This covers our British Cycling Affiliation and all running costs (website, email, our AGM).

You need to be a paid and signed up member of Forge to be able to vote for the Executive and Committee team and to be involved in our annual AGM.

If you have any financial difficulties with the membership fees, you can apply via our Club Secretary for a dispensation consideration.

Minimum Standard Fitness

You may have never ridden in a group before, that’s ok, but we do expect a level of fitness is reached before joining the club. A great way to judge this is to time yourself for two laps clockwise around Richmond Park. You should be able to do two laps in less than an hour (the distance is just over 7miles / 11km per lap). A second requirement would be that you can ride for 35miles / 60km or more.

Riding in groups is really efficient and you will soon be able to ride further and faster.

Minimum Standard Bike & Equipment

For any road ride we expect you to have a safe and legal road bike with clipless pedals and shoes or toe clips and straps and drop handlebars. Fixed wheel and triathlon or TT bikes are not permitted (for safety reasons) on group rides. Wearing a helmet is mandatory.

Riding Group Size

We follow British Cycling guidance on maximum group sizes.  During normal times, we rarely have a group larger than ten to ensure we keep riders together and in consideration of other road users.

Forge London Club Kit

Our Forge kit was designed in-house by our amazing Kit Committee and made exclusively for us by one of the world’s leading cycling apparel companies, LeCol.

Renowned for offering the highest quality performance clothing as used by the pro peloton and thousands of Sunday riders too, we offer two styles – a more relaxed Club-fit and a high-performance Pro-fit for both men and women. This includes Forge jersey, bibs, gilets, and jackets in a summer and winter collection.

We’ve worked hard to ensure every detail and design element is of the highest quality and made to last.

Forge London riders should wear their club kit (at least a jersey) on the Thursday and Sunday rides.

Mobile and desktop example of Slack

Keeping in Touch

We organise our ride groups, trips and events using the collaborative communication app, Slack.

It’s free and easy to download onto desktop or mobile and is a great way of finding out who, when and where Forge rides are happening. It’s also great for helpful hints, popular routes and any Forge news.

Once you’ve become a Forge member you will be sent an invite to join us on Slack.